Flow Multi-Support:
Flow Matching Imitation Learning
for Multi-Support Manipulation

Quentin Rouxel             Andrea Ferrari             Serena Ivaldi             Jean-Baptiste Mouret             Inria, CNRS, Université de Lorraine


Humanoid robots could benefit from using their upper bodies for support contacts, enhancing their workspace, stability, and ability to perform contact-rich and pushing tasks. In this paper, we propose a unified approach that combines an optimization-based multi-contact whole-body controller with Flow Matching, a recently introduced method capable of generating multi-modal trajectory distributions for imitation learning. In simulation, we show that Flow Matching is more appropriate for robotics than Diffusion and traditional behavior cloning. On a real full-size humanoid robot (Talos), we demonstrate that our approach can learn a whole-body non-prehensile box-pushing task and that the robot can close dishwasher drawers by adding contacts with its free hand when needed for balance. We also introduce a shared autonomy mode for assisted teleoperation, providing automatic contact placement for tasks not covered in the demonstrations.

Multi-Support Experiments on Talos Humanoid Robot

Non-Prehensile Box Pushing (Autonomous)

Closing of Dishwasher Drawers (Autonomous)

When trained on the red T-box, the autonomous policy performs poorly out-of-distribution with the blue U-box

This is mitigated with Shared Autonomy / Assisted Teleoperation approach

The human operator commands the left hand, and the policy commands the right hand

Assisted Teleoperation Pushing the Blue U-Box

Assisted Teleoperation Closing Dishwasher Drawers


Multi-Support Manipulation Tasks:

  • Use additional contact to extend manipulation capabilities
  • Reach further, be more stable, apply higher pushing forces
  • Leverage whole-body motion and multi-contact strategies

Main Ideas

  • Imitation learning from human demonstrations (behavior cloning)
  • Use human "common sense" to learn contact sequence and location
  • Solve out-of-distribution tasks not covered by demonstrations using shared autonomy assisted teleoperation

Imitation Learning with Flow Matching

  • The policy outputs a full command trajectory instead of a single action
  • Use Flow Matching, a generative method able to capture high-dimensional and multi-modal distributions
  • Simpler framework, slightly more performant than Diffusion for robotics grounded in optimal transport theory

Multi-Contact Low-Level Controller

  • Use our previous work SEIKO Retargeting and Controller
  • Retargeting from Cartesian to whole-body commands with feasibility constraints
  • Implement smooth contact switch
  • Regulate contact forces on our position-controlled robot

Comparison Between Flow Matching and Diffusion Methods

Simulated T-Box Pushing Task

Simulated Bimodal Contact Reaching Task


  title={Flow Matching Imitation Learning for Multi-Support Manipulation},
  author={Rouxel, Quentin and Ferrari, Andrea and Ivaldi, Serena and Mouret, Jean-Baptiste},